Rich Mahogany Profile

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A&R Talent Scout

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Your rating: None (4 votes)

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Picture Activity Updated date
Stefania Stefani's picture
Stefania Stefani added Similar Song: Better Homes And Gardens - Taking Back Sunday similar to 2019-03-17 18:22
Gav's picture
Gav added Album: Causa Torqueo Tincidunt 2019-03-17 18:21
Stefania Stefani's picture
Stefania Stefani added Panel: Secundum Genitus Turpis Exputo Lobortis Pagus Importunus 2019-03-17 18:21
Lokishade's picture
Lokishade added Album: Utinam 2019-03-17 18:21
Nic Rush's picture
Nic Rush added Artist: Tum Eros Melior Quibus Similis Pecus Magna 2019-03-17 18:20




Hey Richard hows the new

Hey Richard hows the new Bullet?

2 albums which have not left

2 albums which have not left my cd player for a while: Lamb of God - Wrath Mastodon - Crack The Skye 2 of the most ingenious yet bone crunching metal albums of all time!

so whats new today in the A&R

so whats new today in the A&R Bizz?

So i see you don't have any

So i see you don't have any music on your profile? What are you listening to at the momment?